A visual delight

Book, Photography, Poetry
I am really impressed by the creative team of the Story Mirror. They way they have placed my photographs within the pages of the book is Amazing! I could not have asked for better. The book when it reaches you, will not just be good to read, it will be good to see as well, a Visual Delight! I promise, it is coming soon....
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I am honoured

Book, Poetry
Principal Madam has accepted my request for writing the foreword for my book. I am very happy today! I am working with the publisher to finalise the layout as well! Will soon be ready with the Book.
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A setback and a delay

Home Automation
A slightly bad news, one of the components I ordered for my project has not come up with the choice of packaging that I selected. It is not fitting the PCB. I will need to reorder it. This will add significant delay to the production work for the prototype. Also since I will soon be starting with my exams, I will put the project on hold for some time. Further updates will be provided by mid of October timeframe.
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A New Avenue

Book, Photography, Poetry
While I have been writing poetry and clicking photographs for years now, the idea of combining these two together came from my School Principal just a few months back, when I had the opportunity to share my interests with her. Since then, I have spent countless hours compiling all my poems, nitpicking and pairing them up with my photos. All this work has only been possible because of the suggestion and the guidance of my mentor, Tanya. Now that most of the tedious work is done and I have a publisher who has agreed to print this fusion, I am proud to announce I am going to publish a book!
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